Void Property Data
Managing Occupier Data and What it Means for Water Companies
UK water companies have hundreds of thousands of customers - in some cases it’s millions, so it is extremely tough to maintain accurate and up to date customer data, but in a heavily regulated industry, these companies have key areas of focus that they must improve on. Void properties pose several challenges including unknown occupancy status, unnamed occupants, and ofte rising bad debt from bills going unpaid. Gaps in customer data make it tough for water companies to address themselves and the impacts can be wisespread.
Impacts on business performance is one thing, but also impacting the ability to identify and support vulnerable customers is another. It impacts the customer experience that could result in customer eventually recieving bills that are excessive, risking bill shock. Whilst it is tough to address alone, collaborating with external parties who use data to fill the 'void' is often the path to success.
Uncover the uses of data to help address and manage void properties, and see how transformational it can be for both customer service and financial performance.